Five Day - In person Retreat

All Nations Gathering Center, SD

Fugen Tom Pitner Roshi & Koto Washi Dallas Chief Eagle

About This Retreat

Having successfully offered this retreat in summer of 2022 & 2023, hosts Dallas and Becky Chief Eagle have invited us back. With open hearts, we invite you to join us for a five-day journey of meditation, prayer and ceremony.

With the leadership of Fugen Tom Pitner Roshi, Koto Washi Dallas Chief Eagle and Ekai Joel Kreisberg, we will again join in a sacred circle to practice meditation and prayer. The overall structure of the retreat will be guided by the Zen form developed by Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi including the morning and evening service, meditation, qigong practice and one-on-one meetings with Fugen Roshi. Traditional ceremony is also an essential aspect of this retreat including spirit walks with horses under the sacred stewardship of Dallas Chief Eagle. Rhe traditional purification lodge ceremony offered the final evening of the retreat.

During the retreat, we observe essential silence and ask that you plan your retreat to be free from outside communication and distractions. Cell phones, reading materials, computers and audio players will not be permitted for the duration of the retreat. 

I“A beautiful combination of being with horses, gentle movement, and meditation. The meditation instruction led me deeper into an awareness of being connected to the land and my experience of the present moment. I deeply appreciated the invitation to experience the circle of people in a gentle rhythm of inhaling and exhaling, coming and going, parts and a whole. Being close to the natural beauty was nourishing. ”

— Hakue Wendy